VHDL/Verilog designer for Radar Systems

Reference: SW-001-2022

Contact: jobs@echoes-tech.it

Location: Echoes s.r.l. Via Mario Giuntini, 63 – 56023 Navacchio, Pisa (Italy)


Job details:

We are looking for an VHDL/Verilog designer to assist our team in the hardware design and Signal Processing on FPGA. The selected candidate will be involved in:

  • Design and Development of FPGA for data handling (e.g. interfacing FPGA with DAC/ADC)
  • Design, development and test of VHDL modules for signal processing blocks (e.g FIR filters, adaptive filters, FFT, DFT etc.)
  • Design and development of low-level software for interfacing with FPGA based designs (e.g device driver)


Required skills and qualification:

  • Minimum BS in Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering, MS preferred
  • FPGA design using Xilinx Vivado Design Suite
  • Experience in SoC architectures (e.g. Zynq 7000, Zynq Ultrascale+)
  • Strong knowledge of VHDL hardware design language & Strong knowledge of C programming language
  • Experience with Direct Memory Access module
  • Good knowledge of the English language


Desired skills:

  • Good knowledge of Eclipse development environment (e.g. Xilinx SDx)
  • Knowledge of embedded Linux versions (e.g. Petalinux)



The employment has a standard duration of one year with possibility of extension. The starting date will be agreed with the candidate, early starting date is preferred.

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